Dental Veneers


Getting Dental Veneers in Turkey

Being one of the most popular destinations amongst international patients who seek to receive better treatment, Turkey stands out with its advanced healthcare system, top-notch treatments and moderate pricing policy. As a part of this ecosystem, the Turkish dental sector provides world class treatments in any sub-field of dentistry, enabling the patients to achieve their desired results in a reliable and much affordable manner. Thus, every year the number of patients who prefer Turkey for dental treatments are increasing, making Turkey a hotspot for dental tourism.

Advantages of dental veneers in Turkey

There are a few fundamental reasons why every year thousands of patients from all over the globe visit Turkey to get dental veneers. Primarily, the Turkish dental sector has the capacity to offer more competitive prices than Europe and US, because of the reasons such as local currency crisis, low taxes and fees, lower costs of maintenance, high competition etc. Alongside the affordable prices, with its advanced dental network and specialist dentists, Turkish facilities offer high quality dental treatments even in tight schedules, thus enabling patients to enhance their smiles by a few days of visit. Briefly, with the light of above stated reasons, getting dental veneers in Turkey stands out as a reasonable option for the patients from all over the world, who wish to transform their smile.

What are dental veneers?

Veneers are thin moldings that are permanently attached to the tooth for mainly aesthetic purposes. Veneers are relatively simple and a convenient way to fix the aesthetic problems on the surface such as discolored, deformed, crooked and chipped teeth etc. Also in some cases veneers are used to provide solutions for functionality and protective treatment. Furthermore, their area of usage could be extended in miscellaneous ways such as fixing your smile by transforming the size and shape of your teeth accordingly when the orthodontic treatment is ineffective or unsuitable.

Generally used for cosmetic purposes, veneers are predominantly utilized for transforming the form, size, color and overall look of the teeth in a better way. (Usually the front ones because they are much more visible than the others.) By a simple and smooth operation, veneers can restore a smile of a patient effectively and relatively with a comfortable procedure when compared to other types of dental operations.


Estimated cost for dental veneers can drastically vary depending on the prior situation of the mouth, type of the veneers and their quantity. Thus, without any initial dental evaluation it would be considerably hard to determine an exact price for the procedure. Nevertheless, Periodonta offers a Quick 1-Minute Cost Estimation Quiz to inform the patients regarding our price policy and provide a brief estimation. After taking the Quiz you can directly consult our specialist dentists through message, phone or even a video call.

Types of Dental Veneers

There are different types of veneers, which can vary in material, brand, areas of usage, features and overall qualifications. It would not be totally reasonable to advocate which type is "better", because all different types of veneers have their own advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, your specific oral condition and your dentist's evaluation could both be an important determinant for choosing the right type of veneer for you.

Zirconia Veneers (Zirconium Veneers)

Zirconia veneers are the most durable type of dental veneers for the patients who wish to obtain a perfect smile with maximum quality. To illustrate, they are extremely resistant to external damages (when compared to other types of dental veneers) and provide maximum comfort during daily use. By virtue of their composed material, zirconia veneers have a significant ability to resist and prevent staining on the surface of the veneers. Thus, zirconia veneers are durable not only by means of functionality, but also they provide a long-lasting smile with the highest quality. They are semi-transparent and substantially effective when it comes to matching and mimicking the natural (or desired) teeth color of the patient. Usually, the cosmetic dentist will consult the patient regarding which shade of veneers to apply in order to fit the patients desires in the most optimal way possible.

E-Max Veneers

Emax material is the processed type of porcelain (ceramic) under a dental laboratory environment, to achieve increased durability and thinness than the traditional type of porcelain veneers. Hence, Emax veneers are crafted to restore the patients smile in a reliable way while providing an aesthetic appearance. They are custom-crafted, to perfectly fit the patients wants with regard to their oral health and fitted to the front side of the teeth. Composed of high quality porcelain material, emax veneers encompass a high level of endurance alongside with their stabilization features. Namely, they require relatively minimal preparation on the surface of the tooth, thus their fitting process is smooth and pain-free for the patient. In brief, Emax veneers provide great comfort and functionality, while composing an aesthetic smile to satisfy the patients wants.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a relatively popular choice amongst patients who prefer an aesthetic look with a durable material. Available in various natural colors for you to choose, porcelain veneers are perfect candidates for giving you an aesthetic smile that lasts over decades. Porcelain material is also substantially durable for external damage and staining thus your veneers could last up to 10 years without deteriorating. Depending on the current situation of your teeth, your dentist will evaluate your situation and suitability for the veneers and plan the treatment. After the initial procedure, your dentist will operate on your teeth to adjust its size for the veneers, then porcelain veneers will be applied to restore your smile once and for all.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are another popular alternative for restoring your smile efficiently, giving you an aesthetic look within a range of one quick appointment. Usually, composite veneers are sculpted and applied in one visit so the estimated timeframe for the treatment is much shorter than the porcelain veneers. Made from cavity filling material, composite veneers offer flexible treatment options for crooked, stained, chipped teeth or filling of the gaps between teeth. Even though its shorter than the porcelain alternative, with maintaining a proper dental hygiene composite material could last 8 to 10 years, furthermore could easily be restored in case of any unwanted circumstances (damage, stain etc.). Moreover, composite veneers are affordable options when compared to the other types of dental veneers.

Laminate Veneers

Dental laminates are exceptionally thin pieces of porcelain that are attached to the front side of your natural teeth. Dental laminates are also called leaf veneers or laminate veneers, usually because they are considered as sub-divisions of dental veneers. They are regarded as quick and reliable solutions to correct cosmetic issues regarding the teeth (especially front ones), such as permanent discoloration, crooked teeth, teeth with inadequate or excessive gaps, and tiny and disfigured teeth. They are significantly easier to apply for patients who wish to receive the treatment, mainly due to the smaller preparation required for the treatment.

Dental laminates, (or in other words laminate veneers or leaf veneers) are usually considered as a sub-division of dental veneer or the terms might be used interchangeably. Both dental veneers and laminates are crafted to improve the appearance of the tooth making it look better aesthetically, nevertheless from that point dental laminates differ from the "traditional" dental veneers in some aspects. Exploring through their features and deciding on which one to get might be a difficult process, not to mention the fact that a consultation from an expert is essential.

When comparing between dental laminates and veneers few key points distinct such as:

Dental laminates are significantly thinner than veneers

Unlike other veneer types, due to laminate veneers being very thin (almost as thin as contact lenses), it is possible to place them on the patients tooth or teeth with minimal preparation. This has positive implications for both the patients dental health and the timespan of the operation.

Laminates are easier to apply

Whereas other types of veneers take hours of preparation, laminate veneers are easy to apply as they are simply placed by the dentist in the front of the patients teeth. Patients do not need to sit hours on end in order for their teeth to be prepared for the veneer operation.

Laminates require minimal operation on tooth

Due to their thin nature, placement of the veneers on the patients mouth is an easier process compared to the placement of other types of veneers. Whereas other veneer types would require hours for the patients teeth to be prepared, shaved and readied for the thick veneer plates to be placed, laminate veneers need little to no operation.

Veneers are more durable than the laminates

Owing to their thickness, non-laminate veneers are known to be more durable. They are able to withstand more pressure and friction, making them much harder to be damaged. Laminates are also designed to be very durable to pressure and friction, but due to the simple fact that they are not as thick as other veneer types, they often do not last as long. To conclude, dental laminates and veneers are both significantly effective methods for improving the appearance of your teeth and creating a satisfactory smile that lasts over the years. Nevertheless, aforementioned operations separate from each other in terms of required treatment procedure, material, timespan of the treatment and range of functionality. The best results are usually achieved by following the recommendations of the cosmetic dentists.


As a prominent brand of veneers, Lumineers are much thinner than its traditional alternatives. Almost as thin as a one fifth of a millimeter, lumineers provide aesthetic solutions without requiring any initial operation on your teeth, thus transforming your smile quickly and pain free. Lumineers can be applied in one appointment, even without local anesthesia required. As a relatively strong option in terms of durability, Lumineers could last over a decade. Moreover, the whole procedure is easily reversible depending on the patient's wants and needs.

Temporary Veneers

Temporary veneers are the type of veneers which can be used until permanent veneers are cemented. Temporary veneers are applied to provide temporary aesthetic solutions for your smile. Nevertheless in terms of durability they do not perform as well as other types of veneers.


First Visit, Decision and Planning Process

At your first visit at Periodonta, our specialist dentists will evaluate your situation and assess the suitability of dental veneers for you. After the evaluation process and general dental checkup, our specialists will introduce you to various types of dental veneers, suitable for your specific situation. After the collaborative decision, our specialists will prepare a treatment plan in accordance to your needs and conformity. For dental veneers (although it varies by the type of the material), the treatment process will approximately take 3 to 4 appointments to complete.

Operation, Sculpting and Fixing the Veneers

Once your treatment plan is complete, you will have approximately 1 or 2 more visits to our clinic to complete the procedure. On your following visits, depending on the type of veneers that you prefer, our dentists will perform an initial operation on your teeth to make it suitable for the veneers to fit properly. Aforementioned operation consists of cutting, sculpting and chipping the teeth to a smaller size to make space for the veneers. The sculpting process is not necessary for every type of veneers, also could vary depending on your selection of the veneers, quantity of the veneers, the general situation of your teeth etc. When the sculpting process is complete, our specialist will bond the veneers on your teeth, and will give you a brand new smile that lasts over decades.


After you get your veneers, there is a brief adjustment period for your teeth and gums to adjust the presence of veneers in your mouth. In this period your gums might feel a little sore, which is completely normal and will heal after a few days of adequate oral care. Usually our dentists will call you for a final visit, where they check for any complications and will assess the success of the operation. Keep in mind that you need to take care of your veneers constantly and properly, just like your natural teeth, to use them over decades.

Periodonta Experts Answer

Dental Veneers could solve some dental health problems (mastication, food impaction etc.), aesthetic problems and functional disabilities, such as missing teeth. Nowadays, it is substantially important to have a beautiful smile for instagram, job applications, social presence etc. Dental veneers are a quick and easy way to get a brand new smile.

Usually, dental veneers are sculpted for broken, decayed teeth. In those cases, the main target is to keep the residual healthy tooth in good condition. However, even if the teeth are healthy, some parts of teeth should be prepared to make space for the new dental veneers.

In the beginning (1-2 weeks) it's normal for the new veneers to feel strange. However, step by step you will get to adapt to your new veneers and beautiful smile!

Dental veneers don't stain. Dental veneers are sculpted in very sensitive, special techniques. After 7-8 years, discoloration could start due to fizzy drinks, coffee etc. However, if you brush and floss your teeth regularly and go to the dentist for regular cleaning/control your veneers will stay healthy for years!

It usually takes 7-10 days. However, it depends on the condition of teeth. Since it takes less time to get dental veneers when teeth don't need root canal treatment, or have periodontal problems to solve etc.

Dental veneers are sculpted for your teeth using a special tooth-colored resin and porcelains. These colors are variable and sculpted depending on your decision, after the initial consultation with a cosmetic dentist. And YES, if you want a whiter color than your natural teeth you will have them.

The average lifespan of a dental veneer is 8-10 years.

Usually NO. However in some cases your dentist needs to change the positions of some teeth in order to obtain a better mastication, better aesthetics etc. Changing the position of teeth could affect some people when they speak. Yet, they get used to that very quickly.

To be sure, our specialists give appointments to try in. In these appointments you and your dentist check positions, colors, shapes etc. If there will be changes, these are done and you will be given a new appointment to check. When our specialists and you like the teeth, fixing (bonding) appointments are arranged.