What should I do before dental implantation to reduce the likelihood of rejection of the titanium core and avoid other complications? You need to prepare thoroughly for the procedure. That's why we have prepared a checklist to guide you through a comprehensive pre-implantation examination. We will highlight the main steps and their particularities.
Before your dental implantation in turkey, you should visit the dentist's office for an initial consultation. During this procedure, the dentist carefully examines the oral cavity, assesses its condition and refers you for x-rays and tests. Already at this stage, the dentist can:
• Determine the indications and contraindications of the implantation;
• Inform the patient of the specifics of the upcoming surgery.
In addition, during the initial examination, the patient is asked to fill out a questionnaire (questionnaire form) in which he or she is asked about bad habits, chronic diseases and surgical interventions.
We strongly recommend that you fill out the questionnaire honestly. Our doctors will then have a better idea of how your body will behave during the implantation procedure.
Depending on the clinical situation, the doctor may prescribe:
• Local imaging/pre-implantation - if one tooth is missing ;
• Orthopantomogram (circular/panoramic image) - if 1 to 3 teeth are missing ;
• Computerized tomography (CT scan) - in all other cases.
In our clinic, a CT scan is prescribed even if a tooth is missing. The CT scan provides us with high quality three-dimensional images of the jaw. This allows us to determine the exact position and condition of the nerves, as well as to assess the amount of bone tissue. It is also at this stage that pathologies that could interfere with the operation (cysts or periodontitis, for example) are detected.
Important: The CT scan is used to determine the correct angle of the implant, its size, thickness and location.
In our clinic, a CT scan prior to dental implantation is performed using state-of-the-art equipment. Our CT scanner is one of the most powerful and safest in the world. With a CT scan, the patient receives a minimal radiation dose - 3 times less than with conventional fluoroscopy.
The tests performed before the dental implantation help to understand whether the operation can be performed in the near future or not (due to chronic diseases as well as bacterial and viral infections).
A standard list of tests: blood test for HIV, coagulation, Rh factor, antibodies.
What additional tests may be needed before a dental implant procedure?
• Blood glucose test - for diabetes mellitus.
• Immunoglobulin and allergy tests - for patients with allergies.
• Thyroid, thyroid, estrogen, estradiol (for women).
In addition, an examination by a cardiologist may be necessary (for cardiovascular disease). The list for each patient is different and depends on the clinical picture.
All tests are usually performed on an empty stomach. It is advisable not to drink or take any medication up to 24 hours before the test. The results of most tests will be available within a few hours. Exceptions are tests related to hormones and infectious diseases (which may take several days to a week).
Before any dental implant is placed, the oral cavity must be prepared (regardless of the number of implants to be placed). At this stage, our dentists remove any inflammation. This prevents the growth of germs and bacteria that could cause inflammation around the titanium post.
Oral pretion includes :
• Treatment of cavities (therapeutic or surgical);
• Tartar removal;
• Treatment of gum and tissue diseases (periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis);
• Bone grafting (bone augmentation surgery - if necessary).
Should a tooth be extracted before implantation or not? It is important to understand that this is the dentist's decision, not the patient's (even if the patient feels that the teeth are in good condition). If the dentist determines that there is a high risk of rejection of the implants due to excessive movement or inflammation of the neighboring teeth, the implants will have to be removed.
After the above steps, a follow-up appointment is scheduled at Dr. Fedorov's Dental Implant Center. During this appointment, the patient will be offered one of the implant systems (OSSTEM implants or Nobel Biocare implants) and the date of surgery will be decided. Our doctor will also tell you:
• How long the surgery will take
• How it will be done;
• What antibacterial medications and pain management methods will be used.
• Expected pain before and after the implant operation
It is strongly recommended to give up unhealthy habits (smoking, drinking alcohol). It is best to stick to foods rich in vitamins and trace elements in your diet. In addition, you may have to give up medications that reduce blood clotting (requires consultation with your doctor).
The dental office performs a professional cleaning of the teeth before implantation (tongue cleaning, removal of soft and hard plaque). The patient should apply antiseptic solutions to the mouth. You should also completely avoid alcoholic beverages and medications, minimize physical exertion and get enough sleep.
Patients must stop smoking at least 3 hours before the procedure.
Can I eat before my dental implant? Yes, but only if the surgery is scheduled in the afternoon (breakfast should be light). If in the first half of the day, you can have a mild tea instead of breakfast.