How long do dental implants last?

Dental Implants

Dental implants are known not to be cheap. No one wants to pay for a dental implant to later see it wasn't accepted by the tissue or has become problematic for the patient's oral health. You may wonder how long dental implants in Turkey or in other countries last and what influences their longevity.

How long do dental implants really last

Artificial roots can last a lifetime if:

• The implantologist has prepared the procedure well and has not made any mistakes during the placement

• The patient follows all recommendations during rehabilitation, takes care of his or her health (especially if he or she has a chronic disease) and takes good care of their implants.

Note the "may" - but not always! And what are the factors that influence longevity? Let's look at them.

What determines longevity


There are three categories of implant systems:

• Top Quality - up to 30 years

• Middle Quality - up to 20 years

• Economy - up to 10 years

Some implant manufacturers, both premium and economy, offer a lifetime warranty on their products. If the titanium root failed has failed to graft or was rejected with no fault on the behalf of the patient, the manufacturer will provide a new one free of charge!

What are the advantages of premium products

Premium manufacturers have invested heavily in innovative technologies to increase the percentage of successful implant grafting into the bone and increase the longevity of the implant. In comparison, the survival rate of a premium implant is 99.5% and the survival rate of an economy implant is up to 96.5%.

Why is the survival rate of premium implants so high

• Material. Premium systems are made of pure medical grade titanium, with no impurities (G4Ti) that could delay osseointegration or cause allergic reactions.

• A Unique, patented coating. It has a special ultra-hydrophilic surface that allows rapid and high-quality (you might want to look at our post on the quality of dental implants in Turkey) implant grafting into the bone, even under difficult bone conditions. The special surface significantly reduces the risk of peri-implantitis in the first 2-4 weeks after screwing in the titanium roots and in the subsequent phases (2-4 years).

• Tight connection between crown and abutment. A conical connection is used to prevent food debris and pathogens from entering the implant area.

Mistakes by the Doctor

After the implant is placed, the implant may not take root properly (it does not fuse with the bone within 3 to 6 months) or may be rejected (1 year or more after implantation, it becomes mobile) due to mistakes made by the implantologist.

What types of mistakes done by the doctor can lead to non-grafting or rejection of the implant? Here is a list of what can be the culprit:

• When preparing the implant bed, the doctor might have used a blunt instrument mill or did not let the water cool properly, resulting in bone burns. The titanium root cannot fuse with the necrotic bone tissue.

• Poor oral hygiene (ultrasonic cleaning of plaque and calculus not done properly, no treatment of tooth decay, etc.) There were pockets of infection, which caused inflammation of the tissue around the implant and interfered with the implant graft.

• The CT scan did not reveal any hidden pathologies (e.g., cysts in the root).

• Selection of the wrong location for the titanium root (insufficient bone volume, the implant will not be well anchored and will loosen over time).

• Incorrect length, diameter or insertion angle of the stem. This can cause damage to the blood vessels, the maxillary sinus or the mandibular nerve.

• Incorrect fitting of the brace with the orthopedic surgeon. Uneven chewing pressure on the artificial roots, resulting in regular overloading and rejection.

• The abutment is not firmly connected to the crown. This creates a micro-gap between the two, where food debris is trapped and bacteria proliferate. The result is inflammation and non-healing of the artificial root.

Conclusion: The life span of newly placed dental implants is influenced by the skills of the implantologist and his teamwork with the prosthodontist.

Mistakes By The Patient

New artificial teeth must be cleaned regularly and thoroughly to prevent plaque buildup from causing inflammation of the soft tissue around the titanium root. If oral hygiene or dental implant aftercare is neglected, it can lead to the development of:

• Mucositis is an inflammatory process in the soft tissue around the artificial root. It is accompanied by redness and swelling of the gums and swelling of the implant. The sooner the patient seeks medical attention, the greater the chance of saving the implant from removal.

• Periimplantitis is an inflammation of the bone in the area of the titanium post. It results from untreated mucositis. Over time, the implant becomes mobile and must be replaced.

Other mistakes that can affect the longevity of the implant are:

• Breaking the rules of behavior during rehabilitation (making heavy physical efforts, not taking the medication prescribed by the doctor in time).

• Smoking. Burns the mucous membranes and causes dryness of the mouth. Inflammation of the artificial root, which prevents a good fusion with the bone.

• Neglect of chronic diseases. After the placement of implants, it is necessary to consult a doctor (e.g., an endocrinologist or cardiologist) to rule out a worsening of the disease.

How to prolong the life of an implant

As we have seen, there are two risk factors that affect the longevity of an artificial root: mistakes by the dentist and mistakes by the patient. For the implant to last a long time, you must:

Choose an implant dentist.

How to choose an implant dentist? Check his website for the following information:

• Years of experience

• Certifications (what implant techniques he or she knows, trained in placing what brands of implants)

• Professional development courses (frequency of training)

• Examples of work performed

• References (on the clinic's website and on independent websites)

Do not violate any recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

What should not be done after implant placement?

• Touch the area where the artificial root was inserted

• Use an electric toothbrush during the entire osseointegration period

• For the first 4 to 7 days, avoid physical activity, sauna, cold, spicy or hot food and air travel

• Smoking and drinking alcohol for at least 2 weeks

• Chewing solid foods


What should I do if my implant hasn't been fully accepted by the tissue/rejected?

If you notice the following symptoms, you should contact your dentist:

• Severe pain has developed in the area of the implant

• The gum is swollen and bleeding

• The artificial root has moved

• Inflammation or a fistula has developed

• Pus is leaking from the wound and the temperature is high (over 38C).

With timely assistance, the implant can be saved from removal. If extraction is indicated, it is followed by bone grafting and a new titanium post can be placed after 3 to 7 months.

How long does an implant crown last?

Depending upon the material:

• Plastic - up to 3 years;

• Metal-ceramic - up to 7 years;

• E-max ceramic - up to 25 years;

• Zirconium dioxide - up to 25 years.

Can a health problem shorten the life of an implant?

• Yes, if long-term follow-up of an implant in the bone is accompanied by a serious pathology (diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases), there is a risk of rejection of the artificial root. A consultation with an implantologist is necessary.

• If the patient has a chronic disease at the time of implantation, the operation can be performed with a preoperative preparation. Afterwards, however, you must continue to monitor your health and avoid a worsening of the disease, which could lead to rejection of the implant.